The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has decided to give 6 million meters of the gauze, keeped for the use during the extraordinary situations like war, to make face masks for Ukrainians to protect them from the A/H1/N1 bacteria in public places. On the photos women from one of the Chernivtsi clothes factory are sewing new masks for the medical personnel.
My personal impressions about all the H1N1 stuff: I may confirm that there are no medical masks in Kyiv drug stores since Friday. Personally I was wearing a mask in metro today. A lot of people are doing the same. Very thrilling, I may say, and destructive for maquillage.
But, frankly speaking, it seems to me that the swine-flu-panic is more political than medical phenomenon. To be continued.
We went through all this some weeks ago. Total panic, schools closed, media talking about it all the time, death counts coming daily as the weather forecast.
Then, everyone got tired of talking about it. Schools reopened. Possibly the media now covers more about the flu in Ukraine than here.
At least now we have hand alcohol gel available everywhere.
Stop panicking and start washing your hands.
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