Friday, September 12, 2008

European perspective for Ukraine

To get back to work after summer holidays is usually not easy task. While I was out of intense news-stream, a lot of important things have happened. War in Georgia, declaration of independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, almost successful efforts of some forces inside and outside Ukraine to make Kiev a side of a Russia-Georgia conflict… And the same time – the escalation of political crisis in Ukraine, new talks about state interests’ betrayal and early elections, and, to crown all this, the full fiasco of Ukrainian European aspirations during the Paris EU-Ukraine Summit on 9 September.

OK, it was not “the full”, but fiasco. Yes, the EU authorities declared that Ukraine is “European country” with common history, culture… blah blah blah. But that’s all. European Union decided not to include in the new enhanced Association agreement with Kiev the word about a possibility for Ukraine to join European Union in future.

But life is going on. In October the delegation of our MP’s Club “Parliament” is going to participate in the European Colloquy “Representative democracy and participatory democracy”, which is organized by the Association of former members of Parliament of Greece in frames of activities of the European Association of former members of Parliament of member states of the European Union and the Council of Europe. Today – just 3 hours before the deadline – I’ve sent to the European Association secretariat the following amendments to the Athens Declaration:

«Globalizing democracy encourages the European Union to open the door for citizens of all the European countries to participate more fully in democratic decision-making process in Europe, through the direct democracy mechanisms. People living in the candidate countries Turkey and Croatia, potential candidate countries Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia, or countries which have the European aspirations, like Ukraine, should be more informed about the recent EU developments and allowed to take part in general discussions on European matters. At the same time, the practical standards of the representative and direct democracy in these countries must be provided at the same high democratic level as in the European Union. To favour the development of democracy, stability and prosperity on the whole European continent the EU should continue to support its neighbors in their efforts in realization of political, economic and social reforms, strengthening human rights and the rule of law».

«The Association welcomes the results of the 12th annual EU-Ukraine Summit held in Paris on 9 September 2008 and the considerable progress made in negotiations on the new enhanced Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine. Meanwhile, the Association regrets that the European Parliament recommendation of 12 July 2007 on a negotiation mandate for a new enhanced agreement which called for «giving Ukraine a clear European perspective» was not taken into the account».

«To support Ukraine's European choice and ongoing democratic reforms on the whole European continent, the European Association of Former Members of Parliament calls the European Council, the European Commission and other high authorities to consider granting to Ukraine a EU membership prospect, recognizing the country's right to join the European Union in the future».

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